Friday, June 28, 2013

Toddler iPhone Games Free- The 2 Best iPhone Apps for Toddlers

Finding the best iPhone games for toddlers allows parents to give their child a few extra activities. While you may not necessarily leave your little one with one of these apps for more than a few minutes, it is good to know that when you need an activity to fall back on, these are just a click away.

The best iPhone apps for families are those that engage every member of the family unit, no matter what their ages are. Chances are, if an older child finds something interesting, it will be easier for siblings to do an activity together.

"Make me a Superhero" is one of the applications that I like. Maybe it's because it allows boys and girls to create their own superhero. It encourages independent think and kids actively think about the features they would like in their character.

The Tozzle Toddler is another game that I like. Kids are able to develop their spatial abilities using this application, which requires them to drag and drop a puzzle piece into the appropriate slot. There are over 30 puzzles that come with it.